Respectful Ways trauma-informed social emotional learning Product Demonstrations

Respectful Ways trauma-informed social emotional learning is a valued vendor-partner who was awarded for the Social and Emotional Learning Assessment Solution.
They would like to share information regarding their virtual Product Demonstrations scheduled for Friday, February 10, 2023 at 8:30AM and Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 8:30AM.
Do you want to see some positive changes in your school climate this semester? If so, take a moment to answer these questions: - What is your strategy for integrating Social and Emotional Learning into your school day to boost "lost learning interventions" as well as student mental health? -- Is your school staff equipped to handle Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the impact on a child's ability to learn? -- Would you be interesting in learning more about piloting our program at the JPA discounted rate? Respectful Ways can help. Join our Live Demo and Discovery session on Friday Feb. 10th at 8:30amPT or Wed., Feb. 15th at 8:30amPT to discuss your school's behavioral needs and learn how we can be of service.
The Demonstration may be accessed at:
Join Zoom Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 893 724 2573
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Please contact with questions